Monday, June 17, 2013

Hi, I use a Sony (Flash) MP3 Player & a Sony NWE394/R 8GB Walkman MP3 Player (Red) to listen to my audio Bible & music (KJV New Testament CD Set (NIV Bible CD Set); (free MP3 downloads); Me & My Big Mouth CD Set by Joyce Meyer). Please strive to listen to an audio Bible for an hour, or more, during daily walks outside (walk in the back yard holding iron dumbbells, push a bicycle uphill & ride it down repeatedly, etc.) giving it a few consecutive years to become spiritually addicted; Psalm 1, 119, Col 3:16, 1 Pe 2:2, Rom 10:9 (please say a short prayer for 'understanding' each time before listening to an audio Bible). The Drones may have something to do with a (false flag?) nuclear attack on New York and/or the Hoover Dam as depicted in the shadow art of certain of USA monies (Kleck Files at (Video Title: Drones, Staging Next 9/11?!... free downloads)). Also please watch the video titled: Former FBI agent EXPOSES the truth of the ufo invasion... at the channel: REDACTED, and the channel: L.A. Marzulli. Updated 1-11-25. The info contained on the first 40ish wallpapers/backgrounds (esp. the 1rst wallpaper from the top is the most up to date) from the top contain most of the pertinent info I have to give (I am only human so please verify all info), please download the original sizes (from my flickr account) and read the top and bottom parts. If you are against (nuclear) war please read - .... You know you are dealing with a scam when dissent is suppressed (global warming scam, covid-19 plandemic, etc.) - author unknown. Please bookmark and regularly visit these very informative (and safe) sites:,, X@REALALEXJONES, X@AJNLIVE,,,, and If you support vaccine mandates (or if you support forcing toxic psychotropic drugs on people), you are a fascist (and an idiot) at least be honest with yourself. An easy way to fast: don't eat anything from 7pm (etc.) 'till 7am (etc.), a 12 hour fast (but do drink some artesian water if you get thirsty). from ... Long ago the bloodline elites decided to bring the West down to a state of irreversible ruin after the divide and conquer decision was made to lift up the Eastern powers Russia, China and Iran as controlled opposition to go up against and defeat the West’s hegemonic prominence as the Eastern leaders of the new multipolar world that these same elites also largely created and financed. Recall that for centuries the Rothschilds create every international conflict, and finance both sides to every war they profit from. Centuries ago, these same planetary bloodline overlords plotted the controlled demolition of Western civilization to ensure that the rise of the Eastern powers was originally financed and created to then be used to take down the West in an apocalyptic WWIII as the East’s far superior military and economy are now eclipsing the freefalling West. The Eastern nations containing far more conservative cultures, other than perhaps the Western lapdogs in Asia Japan and South Korea, have squarely rejected the LGBTQ+ Wokism psychosis as elite’s weaponized social engineering experiment designed to undermine and destroy the moral compass within the global population, which in the West has succeeded and is directly contributing to the rapid demise of the entire Western civilization, specifically targeting the family unit, parental rights, and Christian values in Western goyim populations containing the largest middle class affluence that’s been deemed most resistive to the elites’ one world government neo-feudal enslavement system now well in process. Meanwhile, after using migrant invaders to help destroy the West, they too will be sacrificed on the Satanic altar since AI robotics will finish off replacing the human race. In answer to their masters’ agenda, the fallen Nephilim and other interdimensional and extraterrestrial entities invisibly leading the way to this hell on earth, their clear objective is to make humans extinct. This has been the elites’ brutal agenda, to exterminate our Homo sapiens species from our home planet for a nightmarish transhumanistic future if we continue to be passive, ignorant, fearful and refuse to exercise the courage and will to oppose, fight and defeat our common enemy before they murder us all. It’s coming down to the wire on whether humanity will be able to survive all these mega-crises being dropped on us. But from this week’s current events, we clearly have them on the run and must mobilize our collective strength. Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. fitnessandmusic JESUSSAVESANDMORE pleasechoosewisely Godc (3) n one human race, different ethnic groups 2 achristianmusthave2021 utilize ds8 ds6 ds5 ds4 jjf (3) jjf (8) jjf (12) kjjg (5) (1) ikho (10) yyt (16) ikho (3) ikho (4) 24236275901_80b50e0bfb_o (3) ugig (16) rie (22) tultul (4) evilroot peace2getherthetruthpurple allaroundfitness peaceispossiblethurthesaviour 141 (4) dontfear juhu (3) (1) ddf (2) (1) eteo (9) tomcruisequote (5) hfd (29) kyyk (2) trktkd (15) hfd (28) hfd (27) dee (4) jhj (6) hjjgy (6) hjjgy (8) d34321 (4) ueg (5) 53388898366_b669221f88_o (15) hth (14) liveaquietlifeandmindyourownbusiness politics? ugu (6) gracegiving2021 achristianmusthave2021 x Second+Mile+Service+2.+Turn+the+other+cheek+(v.+39) to yah hddf (10) ewed (8) dfrf (16) An interesting article about Kurt Cobain, I really like his music but please strive to devolop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ rather than do hard drugs, suicide, etc., like Curt Cobain supposedly did; please visit... 53660981936_58d5b1d514_o (3) skrg (8) ugig (10) a music quote 52658631402_6b4ddb2f6d_o (4) 52658631402_6b4ddb2f6d_o (6) 51739278295_b9aca82064_o (5) uuuuuu (13) 51748167265_040eeb7c21_o (3) affordabletransportationbicycle fjghg (5) eeere (5) llr (5) ddd (9) jjj (8) itsmeandu 51835698252_a1fe9b9da0_o (5) tri love lusteternallife14(15) CYBERCHURCH mluthermusic wayofescapeblu42020 bingeworthytv fakelove breakthesexaddiction stayintheword2 stayintheword feelfreeandsafe heyz lacknothing goup2021 tdht (5) strokeprevention2019 kidneyremedy 53684972527_3ea5191c03_o (15) prayermusic Philippians+4 6-7 itssoeasyandempowering itsaboutsurvival knockout2 attachment-dave_mustaine_medical_tyranny_instagram justsaynozzz6 wereweliedto healer1 lp onlytwokindsofpeople piece4 strive4peace coolquotes sadbuttrue yjf mark gracegiving2021 honestyisthebestpolicy honestyisthebestpolicyparttwo itpays biblemusicpower muzik coolmusicquotetwo letsrockplease musicgringshapiness thankgodformusic goup2021 heavenhowbaddouwantit foreverrelationship bhappy a27ae337aefa1a7273813f90877ac58e knowbibleknowselfcontrol feelfreeandsafe passengersxzx smallvilleseason7 preacher selfcontrolisHolySpiritcontrol love-comforteth-like-sunshine-after-rain--but-lusts-effect-is-tempest-after lusteternallife14(15) stayintheWord2020 ifanyonecanchangeusitsjesus LIGHT nothingcompares selfcotrolisHolySpiritcontrol2021 responsibilty knowledgeispower 17333735_439253583080253_5452220554297737216_n-lanczos3 slide_31 (2) 17390517_1287272831308704_1527252469344999197_o-lanczos3 1 spiritcontroltwentytwenty ucandoit selfcontrolthetoughestfruit restnapintheLord pip2020 087888518_main_xl sexualimmorality2020 escape2020az rmquote2020 peace1 piece4 peacetwo cmq quietpeacefulneighbors leapingcouple qualityinfowarrior wisdomcheerful wayofescapeblu42020 wayofescapepink42020 joycemeyerpracticequote john5 14 2 strive2notsin john5 14 supernaturalhappens2020 quote-men-are-more-visual-creatures-and-rate-women-based-on-looks-we-like-to-laugh-and-be-alice-eve-137-46-91 (2) succone succtwo ilovepizzaone spreadjoyeatlunch iluvpizza2 relaxingsafeinyourroom gif tapintothepower2019 developjoy savior happyandjoyful JesusUSA2019 heavenhellchoice jonathankleckrocks thesign payattencionorpaytheprice trust thegreatestthing(2018) theway knowthebible christiansgreatestsin priorities2 hello lordsavior knowledgequote focus jesusheaven(2018) onlyjesus killboredom(2018) killboredom3 killboredom2 greatestjoy eatupdate2019 affordabletransportation2017 whatsinyourheart blackgunnerwhitegunner quotepeaceamongstchristiansb20 appearance diferentviewssamejesus heartscount 2toneangel truthwinsintheend pleasebasaint(2019) heartmatters2018 connectthedots coolquotes2 nationalistvsglobalists globalistsvsnationalists femaleninja virtualwarriors cyberpunk h4t(2018) Godcreatedmarriage2020 Godcreatedmusic safelistening favband2workout2 myfavorittvshow deeptruthsseepingthrough drugfreefun drugfreeescapism sleepinheavenlypeace2019 play2 play mycupoftea recreate escapismblackbluepink guywithpetwatchingmovies sevendeadlysins joyisurstrength thewarwithin slowdownanddontlustafterit lusteternallife14(2017) teenageyearsandbeyond fleeoverrepetitive sins memorizedword fleerun hqdefaultuyfuyuyfff-lanczos3 (2) godtestsdeviltempts fleeing escapetemptation forbiddenviewing pk avoidingtrumps resisiting killitdonotfeedit samesinoverandover manschoice slowdownlookforthesign commandedtoflee supernaturalsexualtemptation James-1_14-15 (6) killthatwhichseeks2murderu baddreams thesupernaturalexists bestwayto yebwise2flee strive3(2017) the1thing superlife(2017) debtfreesystem debtetc(2017) preventnaturally strokeprevention2019 kidneyremedy kstone topicalskinhelp2017 helpfulmethod thetruthwillsetyoufree shedoesntwanttohurtanyone right2defend gunquote thelovesong raptureendtimes bps 49261057818_822f38d698_o (8) JJJ (2) privatetime(2018) developingself-controlpaetc (6) tempterrforgive godsplant I often pray like this: Father, thank you that your Word says that you grant wisdom liberally and without reproach to all who ask and that if we confess our sins you are worthy and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Please grant me any wisdom I need about (blank) and any other wisdom I need and please keep the wisdom short and simple, main and plain, and please forgive me of any doubtfulness, double-mindedness, lust, and (blank), in Jesus' name Father please, thank you, amen. I strive to have a forgiving, humble, and truthful attitude, (rather than lie I can usually say things like: I'd rather not say). Please strive to be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath-James 1:19-27., and are two sites I'm looking at to avoid oxaltes 'cause I'm prone to kidney stones. clark-lanasmooch(1)s dragmetohellplus2 dragmetohell-plus RichieFromBoston

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