Monday, June 17, 2013

Christianity and Fitness. Updated 4-18-24; the info contained on the first 40ish wallpapers/backgrounds (esp. the 1rst wallpaper from the top is the most up to date) from the top contain most of the pertinent info I have to give (I am only human so please verify all info), please download the original sizes (from my flickre account) and read the top and bottom parts. You know you are dealing with a scam when dissent is suppressed (global warming scam, covid-19 plandemic, etc.) - author unknown. If you support vaccine mandates (or if you support forcing people to take toxic psychotropic drugs), you are a fascist (and an idiot) at least be honest with yourself. Who would reasonably refute this: hellraiser transgender surgery contributes extremely significantly to a 40% suicide rate of the mutilated. : like WWI, the situation is being escalated by the political elites despite the fact that the general public in the west is increasingly opposed to participating in the conflict. The globalists want to send us to war whether we like it or not. Every decision they have made so far makes peaceful resolution impossible. One saving grace that is perhaps new in the entire history of geopolitics is that the public is far more awake and aware of the fact that it’s not necessarily their “duty” to blindly go fight when their government calls on them to do so. Social media has also given a platform for people to widely voice their concerns about war, whereas in the past objectors felt isolated. Obviously, some of this is based purely on fear – A large percentage of Gen Z is unequipped mentally or physically to go to war, which is why more than 70% of potential military recruits today are rejected before they even get to boot camp. These are many of the same young people who post Ukrainian flags to their social media profiles and jump headfirst into anti-Russian rhetoric, but now that they are faced with the possibility of having to sacrifice themselves for Ukraine they are angry and terrified. URGENT! Keep Alex Jones in the fight against the NWO! Please pray & contribute at today! However, there is also a large contingent of capable (and mostly conservative) men with the background and the aptitude for combat that still want nothing to do with Ukraine. The reason is simple: They believe that far-left western governments and globalists want to use them as cannon fodder to get rid of them. Once they are used up in war, there will be no one left to appose the leftist takeover at home. For most of us in America, Ukraine is irrelevant and we grow tired of wars in the Middle East. Whether left or right, we have no interest in fighting for them. But that’s not going to matter much, at least in terms of preventing a global war. “The rise of the beast quickly approaches. The nuclear blasts will impact the magnetosphere, opening dimensional portals that I will allow. The time of My two witnesses also approaches to bring fire and truth at the rise of the beast, the son of perdition, Obama. Will you yield to the beast because you did not repent from your sinful ways? Fear will take over, for the unrepentant sin is an open door to the demonic. My perfect love casts out all fear. Satan’s fear casts out all love. You will see those you know and love turn to rabid dogs of fear, lashing out at My people. Take heed now and turn from your wicked ways. Repent and again I say repent or you too will become a rabid dog of Satan, denying Me, your Savior Jesus Christ, to take the mark of the beast. You WILL hear Me say, ‘depart from Me, I never knew you.’ Time is of the essence, for the day quickly approaches when full blown war sends millions into eternity . . . Millions into hell. Where will you be, when the nukes are unleashed upon your shores, Babylon America? The days of fence-sitting are over. Choose now, for tomorrow is not granted to all who are alive right now. The day of the beast is quickly approaching. Will you take Obama’s mark or will you stand strong in My presence. Forsake your evil ways. Continue in sin . . . You WILL be tasting the flames of hell.” THUS SAYS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. What we got was a CV19 “vaccine” that Dr. Kory says, “It did not help a single person.” Dr. Kory goes on to say, “It did the opposite of helping get people well. It was sold to the world’s population on a campaign of fear. They said ‘get vaccinated or you are going to die from Covid.’ The medical establishment conditioned everyone’s brain to believe that the most important thing for their life is that they don’t die of Covid.” Instead, people died of the CV19 bioweapon vax. Dr. Kory says, “All kinds of excess mortality is occurring in this country and all around the world, all timed with the CV19 vaccine roll-out. . . . We can see the carnage, and the excess cancer rates are far higher than 2020. We know that the vaccines made everything worse.” Dr. Kory has been running a cutting edge CV19 vax injury practice for two years. He has been treating what he calls “Long Covid injuries” and “vax injuries.” Dr. Kory says, “This is the first time I have had to treat bioweapon injuries.” This includes the phenomenon called CV19 vax “shedding.” His practice is growing dramatically as the injuries pile up from the CV19 vax. Dr. Kory has been able to get some very good treatment results, but there are no cures for these vax injuries–yet. Guess what Dr. Kory’s number one treatment drug is? It’s Ivermectin. Ivermectin gets results in about 70% percent of his patients. He uses many other treatment options as well. Dr. Kory still says, “Don’t look at this problem as vaxed and unvaxed. Look at it as treated and untreated.” The people getting regular treatment do much better that those who remain untreated. There in much more in the 56-minute interview. Dr. Kory goes into detail about the treatments he is using for CV19 vax injuries. Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dr. Pierre Kory, one of the top pulmonary and CV 19 vax injury experts on the planet. Dr. Kory is co-founder of the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance ( and author of the new book “The War on Ivermectin” for 3.30.24). From Defining WW III By Ms. Smallback|February 10th, 2024 By Ms. Smallback February 10, 2024 When you’re raised on the controllers of the narrative’s history, you view things like war kind of black and white. There are bad guys and there are good guys, and they fight each other with guns and tanks, submarines and planes. People die from direct and indirect fire. Espionage and spying happens in backrooms and shadowy streets, and the side with the best strategy, best fighters, and scariest weapons usually wins. There’s a mental imagery for this, and the media blasts it in movies and books and magazines. We envision things like mushroom clouds, mangled bloody bodies, low flying airplanes, dirty orphaned toddlers, etc. So it’s hard to tell people WWIII is not in the future, it is now. Modern warfare has less to do with battle lines and territorial conflicts and more to do with controlling the flow of money and redrawing the power lines of people control. Modern warfare is less about moving boundaries between nations and more about making nations boundary-less. They don’t care about things like “borders” anymore. World dominion is the goal, not national upheaval. They’re not declaring war to achieve this, they’re actually committing acts of war to do it. Modern warfare isn’t rolling tanks down the streets; it uses technology to roll ideology into the masses. They aren’t bombing the cities and military posts as much as they are controlling the information and infiltrating the mind. They don’t use war rations, they use things like “inflation” and “shortages”. There hasn’t been an official declaration of war, and yet today’s weapons of war are prolific and have been actively engaged for years now. WWIII isn’t coming, it is here. And until people begin to see that, they will continue to be casualties of this war without a seeming shot being fired. Humanity’s numbers are being decimated by this ignorance. They’ve gas lit humanity to think the enemy is a race or a gender or a socio-economic status or a political faction. How tragic. The enemy is none of those things, yet it commandeers all of those things to subvert the truth. At the risk of oversimplifying it, the enemies of God are the enemies of humanity. The battle is cosmic, but the battleground is earth. The ignorant are the greatest losers in the current battle because they’re the pawns being used to advance the agenda. Let’s look at two things today: the battle on the earth, and the battle in the other dimensions. The Battle on the Earth [I’m just going to broad stroke this for brevity. I encourage you to dig into areas of interest for further understanding.] Currently in America and the world at large, the attacks can be categorized easily into four areas: The Mind Obviously the mind is the seat of thought; thought leads to belief; belief leads to action. If you control the mind, you control the action. They attack this on many fronts, the most obvious being indoctrination (via education and employment) and propaganda (via media and all forms of entertainment). I could write a series of articles on just those two and the various implementations they use. There are a myriad of subsections to each of those that incorporate things like redefining words, attaching shame and ridicule to belief structures, scorning alternative ideas, and assigning social pressure to anything contrary to the accepted narrative. Those are actually the more benign methods. More troublesome than that is their use of chemicals and toxins to suppress the mind, whether it be in the form of legal, prescribed, and/or illicit drugs or through fluoride in the water (a known developmental neurotoxin), or through genetically modified foods, or environmental toxins, etc. The alarming statistics of autism, childhood mental disorders, and geriatric diseases like dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc. have startling connections to environmental toxins and heavy metals, and yes, vaccines. These aren’t accidental occurrences. One or two may be coincidental, but the epidemic-like increasing numbers cannot be. (What are they spraying in our skies 24/7??) And even more nefarious than those are the technology advances they boast about through phones, frequencies, and other scientific and medical procedures. I’ll spend more time on this one in the near future. The obvious conclusion is if you cripple the mind or in some way interfere with its ability to function properly, you have a mentally handicapped population unable to assess the threats against it and/or form a resistance and response to it. The Body They need the body weak for three primary reasons: A weak body makes one unable or less willing to engage in the battle. How many adult Americans (percentage wise) can actually run a block without being winded, or can even run a block at all? How many can walk several miles, carry a load, move heavy objects, breathe without difficulty? It’s hard to have a militia to stave off enemy combatants with weak-bodied people. Have you looked at America’s health statistics vs. other countries? Maybe compare today’s American’s health statistics with the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s…. A weak body consumes mental energy and distracts so that one’s attention is constantly engaged in fixing the ailments of the body. A weak body leads to a compromised mind. If one’s body is weak or compromised, it’s hard to learn a trade or skill that is beneficial because one is consumed with trying to fix the body. When one needs healing, mental energy goes to doing just the basic tasks at hand that are necessary. There is no energy or fortitude to look at problems outside of the immediate need(s). Current events, community threats, and national needs have to wait because there is not enough energy to dedicate oneself to educating and responding. A weak body is a tool for a medical industry that makes the body dependent on a system governed by those who want total control, and robs the person(s) of valuable financial resources for other things. When one is consumed with “fixing” ailments, diseases, disorders, one’s finances are used to support the system in control. When that system is beholden to the slave masters wanting world dominion, the system produces exactly what the slave master tells it to. Healing cancer, disease, disorders, etc. will not fill their coffers, so they produce poisons to alleviate one symptom while creating ten more. The system has no interest in root cause or true healing. This cycle intensifies until the person is totally incapacitated or dead. A transference of wealth has happened because the persons’ money fed the system and left them penniless and broken. The system grows while the people languish and die, robbing their progeny of an inheritance and worse, it encumbers or steals resources that could otherwise be used for the betterment of humanity and/or to fight the true enemy. Unity If we can’t get along with one another, we can’t fight a common enemy. It’s that simple. Apparently their tactics are that simple as well: continually pit people groups against one another. If it’s not race it’s gender. If it’s not gender it’s income. If it’s not income it’s religion. If it’s not religion it’s education. If it’s not education it’s employment. The list goes on and on. Humans have a lot of weaknesses, because humans (as a general rule) tend to glide through life without much intentional understanding. People like the path of least resistance. But people are woefully emotional. Emotions are most people’s Achilles heel. So they stoke emotional outbursts by thinly veiled public drama that if reason prevailed would show it for the inciting charade it is. Then they control the public narrative so reason cannot prevail. Emotions do the rest, from mobs and riots, to slander, and almost eventually always into violence (especially when it’s funded by the puppet masters). It’s embarrassing how easily humanity allows this manipulation. The end result is we refuse to work together for the good of humanity, because we’ve foolishly agreed upon an emotional delineation of pitting people into modern caste systems. It’s selfish and foolish and plays right into the scheme of those in control. The solution is quite simple, but emotions don’t want solutions, they want revenge. Selfishness doesn’t want solutions, it wants accommodation and preference. Freedom Freedom is the antithesis of control. People cannot be free for this battle for world dominion to be successful. So laws must be made, and freedoms must be destroyed, and people must be forced (through fear and coercion and deceit and bribery and a whole host of other things) to choose to give up personal freedom and to force others to do the same. They’ll have a hard time with this one in a direct attack. So they attack it on smaller fronts with clever cliches like “we’re all in this together” and “do it for your neighbor” and “it takes all of us” and “end racism” and “words hurt”, etc. The emotional ones will fall lockstep into this and agree that we must force some rules that restrict freedom for some exaggerated harm coming down the pike. That’s how we get things like the misnomer Patriot Act, the TSA, amnesty, vaccine mandates, etc. It is almost always based on fear. There are solutions to each of these categories that I’ll address in coming articles. The Battle in Other Dimensions Because the average American (or person in general) is fighting battles in any or all of the four categories above, they are unable to see the battle actually has very little to do with them personally and is actually an epic battle of entities of far more power than flesh and blood. It’ll take me a few articles to lay this battle out. Remember how I explained the Supreme God created a group of gods before He created humans? Psalm 82 calls them the “Divine Council” and Scripture refers to them as the “sons of god”. These sons of god, (lesser gods), rebelled against God by interfering in the affairs of men. This interference wrought the landscape on earth that is laid out by ancient texts, specifically Mesopotamian texts and in books not canonized in the Bible, as well as the Bible itself. For most of human history, there was no one Bible, there were ancient scripts passed down from the scribes. We know them as books, but to those before us they were a collection of the history of man on the earth. That history included the interactions of men and women with the gods. [I realize even addressing this is going to get me the coveted label of “heretic” (humor there), but I’m a seeker of truth AND a lover of God, and I have followed the truths to this point, which will offend mainstream Christianity that has neatly packaged a religion that creates more questions than it answers. If you’ll humor me and just look at the evidence of these things, you may not draw the same conclusions as I have, but you may be able to see, perceive and understand some things that actually help you navigate some otherwise difficult waters. Just at least look at some of the evidence? 🙂 ] Without getting into the history (right here and now), the basic point is these “sons of god” were rejected by God. (Read Psalm 82) They appealed to Enoch to intercede for forgiveness for their transgressions, and after petitioning God, Enoch had to report back to them that there would be no forgiveness for them (Enoch 11-12). Their sins were not forgiven by God, and they would be punished. From there the battle escalated, with humanity the continual casualty of this war. Many books and historical documents lay out that these gods are all the gods that the Bible lays out. Moloch, Baal, Ashtoreth, Chemosh, etc. are just renames of older gods. The famous ten plagues of Exodus were specific plagues to reveal to the world (Egypt was the world power at the time) the inability of the pantheon of gods to thwart the Supreme God. God took on the gods of the most powerful nation at the time, and removed His people from their midst by defeating the Egyptian gods. These gods trace back to Nimrod and the famous Babylon of old. Do you find it interesting at all that the gods on the landscape of Genesis are the same ones alluded to in Revelation? How can you explain the mighty angel’s words at the close of Revelation 18 that in Babylon was found the blood of “prophets and saints and all who have been slain on the earth”? Were all the prophets and all the saints of God murdered in Babylon? Is EVERYONE who has been slain on the earth from Babylon? Or is it describing the seat of the religion that slaughtered the men and women of God, and is responsible for the slaughter of countless men and women? Ancient Babylon was the seat of the ancient gods who set up government, religion and culture in opposition to the Supreme God. The religion they set up was the worship and adherence to the sons of god, rather than the Supreme God. Their names change with the region and languages they’re in and from. Look at the days of the week and the names of the months. Each was named after a Roman god or its equivalent. Each Roman god is another name for an Egyptian god, for a Greek god, for a Norse god, for a Phoenician god, for a Babylonian god… Enter Christ. The true Son of God. He took His disciples to what He called “the gates of hell” in the region of Caesarea Philippi, the northern part of Bashan at the foot of Mount Hermon. Mount Hermon is the place the Watchers (sons of god) descended to earth to commit their first crimes. Bashan was considered the gateway to the underworld. Dr. Heiser calls Bashan “ground zero for Old Testament geography”. He devotes a whole chapter (33) to Bashan and its history Biblically in his book The Unseen Realm. In Jonathan Cahn’s book The Return of the Gods, he carefully lays out the origin of words in Scripture that depicts these gods. He addressed the clash of the gods against the Son of God and the resulting war against the message His followers brought. Their gods were being challenged and they responded with violence, killing the Christians in an attempt to negate the message that there was a God higher than the ones they worshiped. He told a fascinating story of the Roman pagan emperor Julian the Apostate who attempted to restore the Oracle of Delphi’s temple in 362 A.D. He sent for their version of a prophet to get guidance for the restoration. The recorded answer was deafening: “Tell the emperor that my hall has fallen to the ground. Phoebus [the god Apollo] no longer has his house, nor his mantic bay nor his prophetic spring; the water has dried up.” Christ had defeated the gods on their own turf, and the fallout was tremendous. We find ourselves in 2024 where the ancient gods who went underground have resurfaced with a vengeance. The scene on the earth has changed since they were dethroned, and their tactics have changed. This is what we’ll get into in the coming weeks. In my next article I’ll expound on this and attempt to link current events to this battle, as well as speculate on why it has crescendoed so incredibly in the last couple decades. fitnessandmusic3 JESUSSAVESANDMORE pleasechoosewisely Godc (3) n des (11) evilroot peace2getherthetruthpurple peaceispossiblethurthesaviour 141 (4) dontfear tuhf (9) tomcruisequote (5) hfd (29) hfd (28) hfd (27) dee (4) jtthht d34321 (4) gthde ueg (5) 53388898366_b669221f88_o (15) hth (14) liveaquietlifeandmindyourownbusiness 24236275901_80b50e0bfb_o (3) deadly sins_4aaaa3c72d1ce_hires (16) gracegiving2021 achristianmusthave2021 to yah hddf (10) ewed (8) dfrf (16) rrtgy (4) musicisagiftfromGod 51739278295_b9aca82064_o (5) uuuuuu (13) 51748167265_040eeb7c21_o (3) affordabletransportationbicycle kjjh (5) eeere (5) ddd (9) jjj (8) itsmeandu 51835698252_a1fe9b9da0_o (5) tri love lusteternallife14(15) CYBERCHURCH mluthermusic wayofescapeblu42020 bingeworthytv fakelove breakthesexaddiction stayintheword2 stayintheword feelfreeandsafe heyz lacknothing goup2021 strokeprevention2019 preventkidneystones prayermusic Philippians+4 6-7 itssoeasyandempowering itsaboutsurvival knockout2 attachment-dave_mustaine_medical_tyranny_instagram justsaynozzz6 wereweliedto healer1 lp onlytwokindsofpeople piece4 strive4peace coolquotes sadbuttrue yjf mark gracegiving2021 honestyisthebestpolicy honestyisthebestpolicyparttwo itpays biblemusicpower muzik coolmusicquotetwo letsrockplease musicgringshapiness thankgodformusic goup2021 heavenhowbaddouwantit foreverrelationship bhappy a27ae337aefa1a7273813f90877ac58e knowbibleknowselfcontrol feelfreeandsafe passengersxzx smallvilleseason7 preacher selfcontrolisHolySpiritcontrol love-comforteth-like-sunshine-after-rain--but-lusts-effect-is-tempest-after lusteternallife14(15) stayintheWord2020 ifanyonecanchangeusitsjesus LIGHT nothingcompares selfcotrolisHolySpiritcontrol2021 responsibilty knowledgeispower 17333735_439253583080253_5452220554297737216_n-lanczos3 slide_31 (2) 17390517_1287272831308704_1527252469344999197_o-lanczos3 1 spiritcontroltwentytwenty ucandoit selfcontrolthetoughestfruit restnapintheLord pip2020 087888518_main_xl sexualimmorality2020 escape2020az rmquote2020 peace1 piece4 peacetwo cmq quietpeacefulneighbors leapingcouple qualityinfowarrior wisdomcheerful wayofescapeblu42020 wayofescapepink42020 joycemeyerpracticequote john5 14 2 strive2notsin john5 14 supernaturalhappens2020 quote-men-are-more-visual-creatures-and-rate-women-based-on-looks-we-like-to-laugh-and-be-alice-eve-137-46-91 (2) succone succtwo ilovepizzaone spreadjoyeatlunch iluvpizza2 relaxingsafeinyourroom gif tapintothepower2019 developjoy savior happyandjoyful JesusUSA2019 heavenhellchoice jonathankleckrocks thesign payattencionorpaytheprice trust thegreatestthing(2018) theway knowthebible christiansgreatestsin priorities2 hello lordsavior knowledgequote focus jesusheaven(2018) onlyjesus killboredom(2018) killboredom3 killboredom2 greatestjoy eatupdate2019 affordabletransportation2017 whatsinyourheart blackgunnerwhitegunner quotepeaceamongstchristiansb20 appearance diferentviewssamejesus heartscount 2toneangel truthwinsintheend pleasebasaint(2019) heartmatters2018 connectthedots coolquotes2 nationalistvsglobalists globalistsvsnationalists femaleninja virtualwarriors cyberpunk h4t(2018) Godcreatedmarriage2020 Godcreatedmusic safelistening favband2workout2 myfavorittvshow deeptruthsseepingthrough drugfreefun drugfreeescapism sleepinheavenlypeace2019 play2 play mycupoftea recreate escapismblackbluepink guywithpetwatchingmovies sevendeadlysins joyisurstrength thewarwithin slowdownanddontlustafterit lusteternallife14(2017) teenageyearsandbeyond fleeoverrepetitive sins memorizedword fleerun hqdefaultuyfuyuyfff-lanczos3 (2) godtestsdeviltempts fleeing escapetemptation forbiddenviewing pk avoidingtrumps resisiting killitdonotfeedit samesinoverandover manschoice slowdownlookforthesign commandedtoflee supernaturalsexualtemptation James-1_14-15 (6) killthatwhichseeks2murderu baddreams thesupernaturalexists bestwayto yebwise2flee strive3(2017) the1thing superlife(2017) debtfreesystem debtetc(2017) preventnaturally strokeprevention2019 kidneyremedy kstone topicalskinhelp2017 helpfulmethod thetruthwillsetyoufree shedoesntwanttohurtanyone right2defend gunquote thelovesong raptureendtimes bananag 49261057818_822f38d698_o (8) JJJ (2) privatetime(2018) developingself-controlpaetc (6) tempterrforgive godsplant I often pray like this: Father, thank you that your Word says that you grant wisdom liberally and without reproach to all who ask and that if we confess our sins you are worthy and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Please grant me any wisdom I need about (blank) and any other wisdom I need and please keep the wisdom short and simple, main and plain, and please forgive me of any doubtfulness, double-mindedness, lust, and (blank), in Jesus' name Father please, thank you, amen. I strive to have a forgiving, humble, and truthful attitude, (rather than lie I can usually say things like: I'd rather not say). Please strive to be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath-James 1:19-27., and are two sites I'm looking at to avoid oxaltes 'cause I'm prone to kidney stones. clark-lanasmooch(1)s dragmetohellplus2 dragmetohell-plus RichieFromBoston

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